Hello everyone, my name is DJ Z, I'm the newest member here to this Awesome little blog site, Kaatcha, and I'm very proud to be apart of it. I am an actual Deejay, and have been longer than I'd like to admit sometimes, and what you can expect from me hopefully, is exposure to new music that's older, and or from the past, from every imaginable genre you could think of. I consider myself an Old School fellow, and proud of it, so I'm not too hip to all the newer music coming out. In fact Kaatcha is one of my main sources for new music and news. So look for my first "Offical" post soon.
So anyways, I just wanted to post that its Julio's Birthday TODAY (Julio & I go back decades), and that I wish him a Fantastic One. Dutch's Birthday is right around now as well, so Happy Birthday to You Too Miss Thang!!! Next month is my Birthday, on the 15th, so DON'T FORGET!!! Just kidding. Alright, thats enough for now. Enjoy the rest of your reading. Peace
Welcome Z! Looking forward your musical enlightenment...