Disappointing I know but after that abysmal "bailure" i made a concerted effort to make up my most maligned musical mistake of absence from M. by pursuing my musical interests in other avenues. Primarily Saturday, as my Friday night consisted of Guy Ritchie's recent film "RockNRolla", ...

....which was good as well, but is a story for another blog. Saturday afternoon-evening, I found myself pedaling furiously on my bogart Mongoose mountain bike into Olde City, Illadelph (where on a side note - my motor vehicle was recently burgled -- * Why I return there & even more so, award my consumerism business towards an area of such ill-repute is beyond me). Thanks to the R5 productions website notifying me that I can duck further concert ticket surcharges [favorite pasttime] - by purchasing my tix to their shows @ a local record store instead. ... Hence enters the Olde City experience. AKA Music located on 2nd street, betweeen Arch St. & Market St. happened to be said venue. I pedaled there, hit the comic store first for some printed serialized fiction periodicals, & then ventured for the first time into good ol' AKA Music.
Upon entering the storefront, I checked my trusty book bag in a cubby hole & began the browsing. Within instants of ogling the new release wall I found a copy of the new ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead album,

Then on to my true goal in visiting AKA this day: Blitzen Trapper tickets for Sunday, March 1st @ the First Unitarian Church! My Mission, should I choose to accept it - Locate & Purchase 3 tickets for the Blitzen Trapper show. As I approach the counter to request said tickets I eyeball a sign stating, "R5 Show Tickets CASH ONLY!".... OH NO. Calamity indeed as I'd spent the last of my workly earnings on some humble mead beverages the previous evening with a lady friend. -- Alas, their was an ATM machine nearby to remedy the sitch-e-ation. So with $40 cash in hand I transacted to obtain my Blitzen Trapper ticket invitation. So with my new CD & my concert tickets purchased, I left with a smile & a newfound sense for a good record store experience.
Now it's time to watch Slumdog Millionaire kick ass at the Oscar's while Hugh Jackman likely makes the viewing audience uncomfortable. Fun Times indeed.
... Good to see the thieves of Old Shitty were kind enough to leave you with both of your bicycle tires!!
ReplyDeleteSide Note: Walking down memory lane, your writings reminded me of my first purchase at a.k.a., which just so happened to be on my daily route to the subway... a very dangerous and sticky situation financially! So I walked out a happy customer for the first time with Modest Mouse's The Moon and Antarctica(vinyl)in my arms.(I was way too into records at the time... and a.k.a had everything!)